
A Sea Captain, Motorized Corpse Hoist & Lots of Ravioli: Our Digital Marketing Stories

By April 10, 2015 No Comments

What in the world do corpses, maritime occupations, and Italian cuisine have in common? In almost every circumstance, the answer is, “nothing.”

However, these all happen to be clients of Sipep Design and an important part of our digital marketing story-in-the-making.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say their story is our story, because what we have done for more than a decade is take our firsthand experiences with clients and translate them into customized online marketing tools to solve a problem, serve a specific need, and generate more revenue for the business.

What we are trying to say is, the time we spend learning about our clients’ businesses – whether it be at headquarters, out at sea, or at industry trade shows – not only enables us to deliver another level of real value but also remain an ongoing partner as clients’ digital marketing needs evolve.

So without further ado, here are the stories behind our sea captain voyage, motorized corpse hoist, and ravioli binge.

A Whale of an Experience

Before Sipep Design had the opportunity to partner with an East Coast-based fishing charter, the online world had no knowledge of the company or the amazing adventures waiting for them aboard one of these fishing vessels.


That all changed after our team boarded a fishing charter just south of Boston with one of the licensed sea captains and captured a collection of breathtaking photos, some of which feature a whale who showed off for us not more than 20 yards from our boat!

The stunning digital images, along with a new optimized website, helped a small company with a few boats rank well in search engines and showed visitors what kind of journey is waiting for them out on the northern oceans right off the coast of Boston.

Carry Me Away

Prior to working with our long-time client, Law Jones Funeral Home, the term ‘motorized corpse hoist’ was not a part of our vocabulary. To learn that one, we attended an industry conference along with our client to learn more about what it is that impacts the death care industry.


One of the highlights of this visit was the opportunity to experience a motorized corpse hoist, which carries a body from one area to another with minimal effort.

You may be thinking this is really going to great heights to learn about a client, and you would be right. We have also attended funeral services and toured cremation facilities to better understand funeral operations.

From these experiences, we were able to develop a custom website for Law Jones, which now receives more than 25,000 visitors every month. Additionally, our team helped design and implement a digital image sharing technology, which allows funeral visitors to view photos online and during the service.

Law Jones Funeral Home not only improved its online presence and capabilities through the website, but also enhanced its customers’ experience through onsite services that provide care and comfort.

Actually, This Is Your Mama’s Pasta

Many times, frozen pasta is not your mama’s pasta. But Mama Rosie’s is a Boston-based, family-owned, frozen pasta company that gets us as close as possible to that authentic Sunday dinner. How do we know? We personally try it, lots of it.


From ravioli to manicotti and beyond, Mama Rosie’s has given us a real taste of what it is like to be in their business. In turn, we have successfully shaped their social media success story by providing exceptional food photography and spreading the message to several million people every year.

Why share our digital marketing success stories with you?

At Sipep Design, we believe it is not enough to design, write, code and analyze. To help our clients be successful online, we must first get to the core of what defines the client and their customers. And sometimes, that starts with a an opportunity to ride in a corpse hoist, a sea captain, or a mouthful of pasta.