
6 Tips To Drastically Improve Your Business’s Facebook Page

By October 24, 2014 No Comments

1. Complete your page

Make sure you have filled out all of the information you possibly can on your page. That means your business’s phone number, website, business hours, business category and description are all up to date.  If people find your company, you need them to be able to find the information they need to make a decision about hiring you and then the contact information they need to reach your business easily.

complete facebook page

Facebook Profile Settings

2. Have a branded & informative design

You want to have a Facebook banner and profile photo that matches your brand and conveys what your business does quickly to people.  Your Facebook banner will display on a multitude of devices, so check how it looks on a mobile device and your computer.  Make sure important elements that you want to communicate about your business do not get cut off.  Also confirm that your logo is easy to read in the smaller profile photo.  Often companies post their logo as their profile photo and don’t even notice that it is unreadable.  For more ideas for Facebook page designs, check out the social media pages Sipep Design has created for its customers.


A branded Facebook page that clearly presents the organizations mission statement.

3. Post on a regular basis

Posting to Facebook is about building a community of followers that you interact with on a regular basis.  An engaged community will help you grow your brand and you can guide your community to calls to action such as buying products or attending events.   If you want to have your brand top of mind with the people who follow you, you need to post on a regular basis.

 4. Post photos & videos

Photos and videos are going to get more engagement on your Facebook page than links and text.  You shouldn’t just be linking to other people’s content constantly. Creating your own unique content that represents your brand is important.  Grow your brand by taking photos of your products or by showing the results of your services.  Grab your smart phone, it only takes a moment.

Mama Rosie's ravioli, a scrumptious photo, and a promise of a recipe for homemade lobster sauce is a must click.

Mama Rosie’s ravioli, a scrumptious photo, and a promise of a recipe for homemade lobster sauce is a must click.

5. Create a promotional offer

Give your customers something they can’t resist.  A free cup of coffee, 35% off a furniture purchase, two hours of legal advice half off, or a discount on whatever products or services you have to offer.  Besides discounts you can also get creative and throw contests and other promotional offers.  Get creative and give your customers a reason to use your business, but make your promotion good.  5% off a $10,000 purchase isn’t going to cut it.

A free lunch brings potential customers in to learn more.

A free lunch brings potential customers in to learn more.

6. Pay to boost your posts

So bad news here.  Facebook has gone public and they are looking to make money.  That means if you want more than a handful of friends and family to see what you post to Facebook, you are going to have to pay to promote it.  We recommend using Facebook’s settings to target your posts to the people you know you want to reach.  Start out small and see what type of results you get.  You might be surprised how many people end up seeing your post if you just spend $5 on promoting it.

page post on Facebook